Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Adding and creating value at QBE Insurance


   There’s a great case study of one of my clients, QBE Insurance, in this month’s Strategic HR Review.

The case study describes the recent transformation of HR at QBE Insurance, focussing specifically on how the group HR team has engaged both the business and divisional HR teams across an international operation to enable this transformation.

But there’s one bit of this that relates very closely to the focus of this blog, and I want to note here.  This is QBE’s use of the value triangle:

“The human capital model is still central to the 2009 plan, having been updated to reflect progress since 2004. However, a recent enhancement that created an air of excitement with the group executive team has been the inclusion of the HR ‘value triangle’. This model shows the three different ways in which HR can provide value to the business, increasing in impact from the bottom to the top of the triangle.

This model is now used to engage with the business leaders about the type of support they need, and their ongoing expectations of HR. The divisional chief executives understand that value for money HR activities are provided by their own HR teams, and should be implemented consistently in each of their divisions to maximize overall results. They understand that the transformation of the HR functions (implementing the Ulrich business partner model) has moved them further up the triangle towards the human resource management level. These added value activities are those they need to tailor and specify themselves, each working with their own divisional HR director, depending upon their particular business needs. Finally, there is clear positioning of the role of group HR in taking the lead on the ‘created value’ activities, at the apex of the triangle. While the transformation of HR is an ongoing and ever evolving process, the group executive team is now fully supportive of the strategy.”


Contact me if you want to create the same air of excitement in your business!





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  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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