Monday, 24 October 2011

Best global HR conferences


   I may not often comment on other peoples’ blogs, but I do read a lot of them.  My favourite post last week was Informa Group HR Director Alison Chisnell’s report on the HR Forum in Lisbon which made me think this was one event I should try to get to  (ie present at) one year.

As it so happens, I have recently provided one of my contacts with a list of what I consider to be the best HR conferences (core HR vs recruitment, L&D etc) around the world, and should probably add the HR Forum to that.

Anyway, I thought I would share the list with you as well, and would be really interested in your other recommendations too:


CIPD Annual Conference
Still the main event in the UK, with increasing focus on social media, if not yet the social business.  Don’t miss the tweet-up!
HR Director Business Summit (also the Pan European HR Forum)

A fair bit smaller than the CIPD conference, but definitely punching well above its weight and introducing new innovations year after year (eg, next year - the integrated unconference sessions that I’ll be chairing).
The unconferences (ConnectingHR, HRevolution)
Then there’s the real unconferences.  My contact wanted plenty of insight, but also good conversation – and if that’s what you want, then these are the places to go!
SHRM Annual Conference OK, I’m only guessing here as I’ve never been to this as it’s too big a trip without being asked to speak, or sponsored to blog etc.  Shame because SHRM merged its international conference into the annual conference some years back, but it’s still a highly US-centric event.
HCI Annual Summit
I’ve not been out to this conference for a few years though I have attended virtually.  It’s a good event, and HCI’s tie up with the MIX should ensure ongoing good content.
HR Technology Wow, I had a good time at this.  Whether I enjoy Chicago just as much as I did Vegas (and whether I go to Chicago next year) we’ll just have to see, but this regardless of your role in HR technology, this was a thumbs up event!
HR Technology Europe Nothing to do with the above show, but Europe’s first serious attempt to do something focusing on the strategic use of HR technology.  This year’s conference has a great line up if a rather suspect MC, and I predict great things both in this and in future years.

(It runs on 2nd and 3rd November)
Singapore Human Capital Summit (I also want to try the Hong Kong Institute event) Breaking out of Europe and jumping over the Middle East (though Fleming Gulf’s events are pretty good), we arrive at Singapore for this premier event.  Not to be missed if you’re in Asia (or even like me, if you’re not).
Australia National Convention I’ve not been to this event, but how could I say no if I ever got the offer?
Linkage OD I missed this one out but my client mentioned it, and although I’ve not attended it, I know a few people who have, and they’ve all raved about it too – so Linkage must be doing something right.
Bersin Impact conference And a heads up to China Gorman for reminding me that I missed this one too, which I shouldn’t have done – particularly as I attended virtually last year, and was pretty much bowled over by the quantity and quality of insight.
? So, what else?

Eg I obviously don’t get to South America or Africa as much as I would like, so what are the main programmes here?


Interestingly, I’ve now spoken at a good proportion of, though by know means all these events - even of those I’ve attended fairly regularly – eg the CIPD are stlll keeping me me off the platform at their annual conference for some reason, though they are letting me get involved in delivering a twitterversity session as one of the interactive gatherings in the exhibition this year.

It’s not going to help me share many insights with people, but it’ll be good fun, and I’ll get to meet lots of people – over a few feet of interweb, if not in real life!

Including you maybe?



  • Consulting - Research - Speaking - Training - Writing
  • Strategy - Talent - Engagement - Change and OD
  • Contact me to create more value for your business
  • jon [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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