Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Workstars, Recognition and Employee Voice

I've had my next post published on Workstars new site, this time on the Benefits of Employee Voice at Work.   Employee voice is about “ensuring that everyone working in an organisation is able to talk or write about what they see as important” and is a vital enabler for business performance.

Here are my three top reasons for why, and how we should encourage every employee to add their voice to an organisation:

1. People who have found their voice can be more focused about their work.

2. The capability of employees can be further enhanced by effective HR and management processes, many of which depend on, or can be enhanced by, employee voice.

3. Employee voice does not just help develop individual employee capability, but also the employees’ engagement, and retention within the organisation.

You'll find more details on these points, and the other seven reasons, over at Workstars blog.

You can find my previous post on Social Recognition - the Art and Science of Workplace Communication over there as well.

Workstars is a sponsor of my Strategic HCM blog and so you’ll be reading more about them here over the rest of the year.  But in brief:

Workstars' mission is to make your business a better place to work, and crucially, get your business working better.

Workstars are innovating beyond the very tired, self serving $47 billion reward industry. We are focussed on the future, and the future of employee recognition is social.

A true cloud based business that wraps people services around the market leading employee recognition application, where every line of code is shared by every client, very large or very small.

The first global SME and Enterprise provider to master a free to launch model. Our significant application investment continues to expand our business. We work with HR and when it comes to employee recognition, we are a plug and play innovator.

Workstars bring enterprise level infrastructure and thinking, designed to make managers great and boost engagement across any business.

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