Friday, 25 September 2015

L&D Talks, Brussels

I've added one more event where I'll be talking about talent management to my agenda.

This is Stimulearning's annual L&D Talks in Brussels on 8th October where I've stepped in for LukDewulf to present alongside Jos Arets, Vivian Heijnen and Jane Hart.

These are my sessions:

Masterclass - How do we really develop talent?

Talent is becoming ever more important for individuals and organisations but our success rate in developing it is not making that much progress.  Therefore business leaders in many organisations are becoming increasingly frustrated about L&D’s ability to influence potential, progress individuals up the hierarchy or to other positions where they are most needed, and to increase the organisation’s stock of human capital.  We urgently need to address this growing disconnect between the importance of talent and our ability to create more of it.  

The good news is that as a result in progress in neuroscience, behavioural economics and other areas we have access to an increasing amount of rich insight about how talent can be developed, and no longer need to rely on old but often flawed ideas such as learning styles.  We can therefore start to get to the heart of what does make a difference to talent and therefore organisational performance.

In this interactive session Jon will present an overview of some of the key insights we can and need to use to inform our plans and practices to develop talent, and will then open up the debate to all participants to share ideas and experiences and try to come to some conclusions about what we can do differently.

Jon will close the session by pulling these ideas together and suggesting some ways to introduce these ideas into talent development programmes within the participants’ organisations, and also to ensure that L&D practitioners are able to leverage and optimise their own talent themselves.

Keynote - Beyond just development - what else do we need to do to make talent development work?

Making talent development effective and placing it at the heart of a strategic approach to talent management requires more than just being able to develop talent well, difficult enough though that is.

We have a number of other demanding and in fact increasingly difficult challenges to confront.  For example, who, or what is talent? - do we really understand the attributes we need to create and which roles or individuals demonstrate them?  Are we able to identify talent effectively - what are the mechanisms we need to use to assess talent and identify which individuals fit this description?  And how do we ensure that the whole team and organisation is learning effectively?

Jon will provide some suggested answers to these and other questions and provide other strategic but simple and practical suggestions for how L&D practitioners can power up their talent development and broader talent management approaches.

If you're in Brussels, it'd be great to see you there!

  • Consulting   Research  Speaking  Training  Writing
  • Strategy  - Talent - Engagement  - Change and OD
  • Contact me to create more value for your business
  • jon [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com

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