Sorry for the sound quality on this. I had some problems with my phone line in the earlier Talking HR shows and am frustrated that they seem to have returned here. But as always, Wayne does a good interview, so turn up the volume and see what you think (if you're still having problems listening, I'm going to write a post distilling the main points I discussed with Wayne, ie the main differences between HCM and HRM, so come back for this again soon).
Wayne's show notes:
0:00 No matter how you say it, welcome to the show. Today we finally tackle one of my least favorite terms, Human Capital with a very smart guy who uses it a lot, Jon Ingham. This episode is dedicated to Khosrow 1 of Persia... all the traits a manager should have….delegation, communication and the restraint to only kill the family members that really have it coming. Oh, and a shameless plug for our upcoming webinar course on How To Create and Manage a Remote Team.
4:03 The quote of the week is from my boy Michel de Montaigne . Poverty of mind…. open up your mental wallets and let us pour the smarts in, gang.
4:50 Jon doesn’t get out much if this is exciting for him but we’ll take it. Elephant in the room time: the term Human Capital makes me crazy. Why shouldn’t we hate it? Even Jon doesn’t use it in front of civilians. Basically, Human Capital is the OUTPUT people create from their work.
11:11 What’s the difference between organizations that look at human capital vs organizations that just use them as resources? HR tends to rely on best practices, HCM starts to lead organizations to more innovative solutions.
15:05 What does this all mean to us as managers? People management becomes even more critical- oh thanks a lot.
18:06 I go on a bit of a rant about how the manager’s job is getting tougher and no one seems to have it figured out. Is it easier to think differently in other countries where there isn’t an established way of doing things or is everyone flailing about equally?
25:41 Jon has his own international podcast on BlogTalk radio. Listen to Talking HR here
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- Contact me to create more value for your business
- jon [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com
Jon, thanks for being such a gracious guest on The Cranky Middle Manager Show. Yeah the title is clunky but the points you made are important. A pleasure to finally make it happen and I hope your worldwide audience will listen in to hear you. Don't let the weasels get you down.