Given this show’s book review: Steve Kerr’s Reward Systems, we also consider the application of web 2.0 to reward (not the most obvious area of application).
Jon also talks about the effect’s of the UK’s budget, and the new Equalities Bill, questioning whether its easier to introduce change when time is good, or more difficult.
Krishna talks about swine flu and the need for HR to prepare for shocks like this. She also recommends a new book: The Big Manifesto.
And we also review another book: Reward Systems.
- Think Big Manifesto
- Think Big Revolution
- Report on CIPD HRD conference web 2.0 session
- Graeme Martin blog
- Graeme Martin’s web 2.0 report: Groundswell or Hype
- Steve Kerr: Reward Systems
- Steve Kerr on the Cranky Middle Manager
Listen to the podcast: you can download the podcast to your hard drive or play it streaming from the web.
Talking HR is hosted by Krishna De and Jon Ingham and you can contact us with your thoughts and feedback about the show at talkinghrpodcast(at)
Follow Krishna on Twitter @krishnade and connect with her on LinkedIn
Follow me on Twitter @joningham and connect with me on LinkedIn
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- Contact me to create more value for your business
- jon [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com
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