I’m therefore looking for sponsorship.
About me
I am a consultant, trainer, speaker, writer (etc) focusing on strategic human capital management and other innovations in the way that organisations manage their people.
I’m also the author of ‘Strategic Human Capital Management: Creating Value through People’ which provides the background for much of what I post about on this blog.
As well as this blog, I do have another, newer one – Social Advantage, a podcast show – Talking HR, and I tweet too. This all helps develop interest in me and this blog.
Supporting this, I’ve now also been recognised as one of the top 25 online influencers in HR, and THE top online influencer in talent management.
About this blog
My blog generally has between 200-300 visits and 250-450 page views per day (from Sitemeter and Google Analytics) and about 1,350 subscribers (from Feedburner). These figures are still increasing.
Individual posts (vs just the new posts on the blog’s front page) get read between 1 (yes, really!) and 1000 times, depending (I presume) upon their level of interest.
In addition, the blog currently has mainly kept a Google page rank of 6 over the last few years. So if you search on something related to HR, you’re quite likely to come across one of my posts.
The blog is aimed at senior, strategic players in HR and people management (your audience too?) and I post onto it most work days.
Peer and other recognition includes:
#13 global talent management blog
#52 career management blog (#2 in Europe, #1 in UK)
The opportunity
I’m happy to be flexible and look at what will work for you, but my suggestion is that we package three things together:
- Your logo centrally positioned on my blog (where you can see the gadget headed ‘Sponsorship’ now)
- A description of your offer in the blog sidebar
- Sponsored posts
- Six sponsored posts, ie one approximately every two months, on topics of your choice, for example on your products / services, clients / customers, projects, research, events, interviews with your people etc (you’d obviously want to choose topics that I and my readers will be interested in)
- Each of these posts would be written by me and I would spend whatever time might be needed to research the area, and to draft and agree the post with you (I think offering you the opportunity to review is important, although I would hope that in the main, you would be able to agree with my copy without amendments)
- Each of these posts would end with a note indicating that the post has been sponsored by you and repeating the description of your offer / product / service.
You would be my only sponsor from your sector, and one of a maximum of four sponsors (I’m not going to actively pursue this number of sponsors, but this would be the point where I would start to turn potential new sponsors down).
So how much will this cost? Well, I’m able to offer you an introductory rate of £5,000 GBP plus VAT to cover sponsorship, as previously described, over a 12 month period.
As well as helping to promote your brand, this arrangement may provide further benefits in helping me get closer to your company and its products and services (eg through my relationship with my clients). And it will be a lot more cost effective than starting up your own blog.
Still interested?
- Have a look through the blog (eg use the blog archives and blog labels towards the top of the middle column to the right of this paragraph)
- Then get in touch (via info [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com) and let’s discuss….
- Consulting - Research - Speaking - Training - Writing
- Strategy - Talent - Engagement - Change and OD
- Contact me to create more value for your business
- jon [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com