We look at how you might take the content you already have and re-purpose it as video, sharing ideas and thoughts - both inside the company and externally to support your employer brand.
We also discuss how online video can help even when you have a reduced budget. We also share tips on how you can find low cost resources.
Krishna also encourages listeners to look at how your online video is not just push communication but engaging - inviting feedback and making it shareable.
We also review of the new book The Differentiated Workforce.
Listen to the podcast: you can download the podcast to your hard drive or play it streaming from the web.
Access Krishna's online video's as examples of how you might use them
Watch a video from Paolo Tosolini and the Microsoft Academy Mobile programme - see the video below
Details about the IIA white paper on podcasting - your input is invited
Talking HR is hosted by Krishna De and Jon Ingham and you can contact them with your thoughts and feedback about the show at talkinghrpodcast(at)gmail.com.
Follow Krishna on Twitter @krishnade and connect with her on LinkedIn
Follow Jon on Twitter @joningham and connect with him on LinkedIn
- Consulting - Research - Speaking - Training - Writing
- Strategy - Talent - Engagement - Change and OD
- Contact me to create more value for your business
- jon [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com
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