Friday 20 November 2009

CIPD Conference 2009 – Initial Reflections


   These are my CIPD conference posts (so far):




I hope you enjoy the posts, and the conference (whether you attended in person or through the tweets / posts).

I’m still going to put up a summary of the conference, but I’ve got no doubt about my main take-away: social media’s here and it’s not going away.

OK, social media may not have had quite the profile I’d have liked in Next Generation HR but it was very clearly present in Emmanuel Gobillot’s, Nick Shackleton-Jones’ and Shaa Wasmund’s sessions.

And iIn their session, Christine Bamford and Paul Schanzer from the National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare (NHS Wales) even referred to their system for innovative mentoring (MeSpace) based on MySpace.




Of course social media was present throughout the conference thanks to ‘the gang’.

As an aside, I was touched to have my own use of social media referred to by several of the speakers too:

  • References to my tweets and this blog as well as the only partly accurate accusation that I don’t have life! (thank you Emmanuel!)
  • A reference to my live blogging of the final keynote (thanks Shaa)
  • Thanks for taking the conference to the masses (I’m sure Vicky Wright really meant to thank me and the gang for this!).


I think the implication of all this is that HR’s got to get much more familiar with social media.  Have a look at the quiz Nick Shackleton-Jones used (pictured, and also available here).  Then think about what technologies you should be more acquainted with if you’re going to influence your current and future workforce in the new era of total transparency.



Scoring the quiz:


(I got 21 which has shot up from about 6 soon after Penelope Trunk did her post – so it doesn’t take that long to get it sorted.)





  • Consulting - Research - Speaking  - Training -  Writing
  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com



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